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 | Cannot Send Email While Traveling By: Luis Parra Scenario: You are a business person traveling around the world. You just got to your hotel room, turned on your laptop pc and are ready ...
 | Cool Stuff About GPS Navigation By: Julien Robins Everyone can think of a family member or relative or friend who never "had to stop to ask for directions." Of course these scenarios sometimes ...
 | Tracking Devices By: Helen Wainwright A GPS tracking device is a very small device weighing about 50g that can monitor the whereabouts of a person, pet or vehicle anywhere in ...
 | Simple Computer Maintenance Can Save You a Lot of Money By: Randy Benjamin As a computer tech with over 35 years of experience, I like to stress the fact of just how important simple computer maintenance can be. ...
 | A Little Story About POP and IMAP By: Kerry Latchford POP, IMAP, webmail, email clients, easy-email... how do they all fit? What do they mean and how do they work? This little story of the ...
 | First Computer Ever Built By: Kir Figuereo The German engineer, Konrad Zuse is accredited with building the first computer in 1938. The Z1 was built in Zuse's parents living room and weighed ...
 | Read Kindle Books on Your PC - Kindle For PC Beta By: Kunal Agarwal After the huge success of the Kindle 2 from Amazon, people are looking forward to accessing their Kindle books from a PC. There are a ...
 | Apple Tablet Wireless Reader By: Christina Cole The world revolves around access to the internet. No matter if you live in Kuala Lampur, Timbuktu, Scranton Pa, or Isleton, Ca, you want to ...
 | How Often Should One Remove Dust From a Computer? By: Gregg Housh Computers moderate temperature by running a number of fans that force air to flow through the system. An unfortunate side effect of this is that ...
 | Thoughts and Observations on Mixed Signal Design By: Dave Van Ess A few years back I heard a keynote speech from Prof Mark Horowitz, now chair of the Sanford EE department. He showed the advances that ...
 | How Many PWM Outputs Can a PSoC 3 Or 5 Generate? By: Dave Van An interesting question that I've gotten several times is how many instances of a specific function can be placed into a PSoC 3 or 5. ...
 | Night Vision - Another Dream Come True By: Dogarsahab Ubaid Most animals like cats and dogs can see during the night. This is because their eyes are evolved to see with very small amounts of ...
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